Friday 23 December 2011

Project update

More detail to follow early in the New Year, but we've held our first management group meeting, to confirm membership and review the range of current Keele initiatives that have a bearing on our Transformations project.  Also had some great conversations with academic units on how to support them and improve the student experience via placements and internships.

I'll be uploading Section 4 of our bid early in January - watch this space.

Seasons greetings and all the best for 2012!

Extract from Keele's bid document - section 2

Describe the specific institutional problem area(s) and how these fit the requirements of this call, and propose an initial list of JISC resources to support these areas (20%) (600 words)

2.1 The specific institutional problem area we aim to address via this JISC Transformation bid is the need for strategic coordination across the University’s various placement, internship, employability and co-curriculum development activities.  These activities are all interlinked, but managed at a variety of levels and across a number of units within the University.  In particular we are seeking to improve student awareness of placement opportunities, ease of application for a placement, and enhanced recording of placement outcomes.

2.2 As part of Keele’s recently approved institutional strategic plan (2010-2015), major emphasis is placed on enhancing the student experience.  This is being addressed via a number of operational deliverables, but of particular relevance to this call is the need to improve the systems required to support a planned increase in placements and internships.  We need to make best use of limited resource – and optimise interfaces between systems.  These interfaces are both internal (e.g. a wide variety of academic-led placement activity, overlain by centrally-led employer engagement; and student development opportunities as part of the co-curriculum); and external (e.g. multiple interfaces with local employers).

2.3 Drawing on the Institutional Strategy, a new Employer Engagement strategy has also recently been developed (2011) which aligns aspects of Keele’s enterprise agenda with student-facing activity, including the provision of placements and internships.  We are currently examining ways of improving our information systems in the area of Customer Relationship Management.

2.4 Also of relevance, Keele’s strategy for business engagement is increasingly focussed on a three-way relationship between graduate, employer (often SME) and University, predicated on solving a company issue through the use of a suitable skilled (or re-skilled) graduate backed up by academic expertise.  This builds on a successful project funded by the Economic Challenge Investment Fund (Project Green, 2009-2010).

2.5 Keele has been involved in two previous JISC projects of relevance to this bid: Business & Community Engagement and the subsequent follow-up project completed earlier this summer. This bid is in some respects a continuation and implementation of the findings from these projects.  The BCE agenda is increasingly relevant and important to student-related initiatives, and this places additional demands on locally developed and implemented management systems. 

2.6 The systems we are developing currently developing or enhancing include:

CRM systems
School-based placement databases and spreadsheets

2.7 SCIMS is our student record system and is being developed to improve links to other management systems.

2.8 The HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Record) will capture non-curriculum related activities and achievements for Keele students – of which placements and internships are obviously an important element.

2.9 A CRM system is already being used by Keele’s alumni office and is currently being trialled by the employer engagement team, to replace an excel-based contact information system.

2.10 Elsewhere in the University, database and spreadsheet solutions are used to track placement information, along with social media to track placement activity.  There is also

2.11 Our current project involves mapping all these resources properly across the whole institution, and also consulting with placement providers on their information needs.  We believe this fits very closely with the purposes of the JISC call.

2.12 The JISC resources we have initially identified as particularly relevant to our needs are:

CRM self-analysis framework
Collaborative tools for BCE
Strengthening of SLRM for Enterprise Students
JISC infoNet Process Review InfoKit

2.13 Please note that although this bid is characterised as addressing ‘enhanced student experience’, it is also seeking to identify and deliver improved efficiency, and, via the enhanced coordination of internship/placement activity, will enhance Keele’s organisational capability for this aspect of business and community engagement.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Welcome to Keele's JISC Transformations programme on placements

Keele University has been awarded funding under the JISC Transformations Programme.  The award is to support a project we are undertaking to look at how we record, track, support and encourage placements for Keele students.  Currently we have a number of schemes running and a range of systems are used to manage these - so over the next twelve months we're going to see how we can improve communication across the University and beyond, to make it easier for students and employers to see what placement opportunities are available.  The award will be managed by Research & Enterprise Services.