Sunday 15 July 2012

Action learning at KCL

Thanks to Lindsay for hosting a slightly depleted action learning set at Kings College London on the 10th July.  It was good to meet a few more of the individuals involved in our Transformations strand.  Sarah facilitated and Lindsay, Lucy (UCLAN), Claire (Cranfield) and I shared some of the issues (and highlights) of our various projects.  The 'action learning' ethos worked well and made for a more interactive and flowing session than our 'virtual' experiences to date.  I suspect future virtual sessions will be more productive now we've actually met - perhaps for future programmes the first meeting of an action learning set should be the one where participants actually get together?

I took away a much better understanding of the others' projects, and a few specific actions:

1.  Get to grips with the JISC resources we're using in the Keele project and start making better use of them
2.  Update the project case study and keep it up to date
3.  Do some more work on the evaluation spreadsheet and load it up to the cluster wiki
4.  Keep blogging!

One other outcome from the day.  Keele has just won further JISC funding under the Transformation programme to develop a virtual student advisor (SAM).  From chatting to Lucy at the meeting, it was apparent that UCLAN's TISSUE project is operating in very similar territory (but using a different approach) so I've pointed one of the SAM team at Lucy so the two projects can compare notes.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see the project is linking up other projects.
